Trivia for Looney Tunes, the American Animated TV Series of comedy, is a fun, addictive and FREE IOS quiz made by Quiz Studio for the cartoon TV series fans out there in order for them to test their show knowledge. Do you have what it takes to complete in time all the questions correctly ?
- Choose the right answer for many questions for one of the most loved animated series, Looney Tunes !
- Random difficulty questions about the popular cartoon. Test your knowledge about: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Tweety, Porky Pig, Speedy Gonzales, Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian and many more !
- Track your scores in a FUN, ADDICTIVE and FREE IOS QUIZ GAME !
► Key features include:
* Game Center support – All of the robust leaderboards with fierce competition.
* Colorful retina graphics – All of our games come fully supported for retina devices with very colorful, eye catching graphics !
* Universal App - Enjoy optimized graphics for whatever device you are using !
*** Test yourself to see how much you can remember from the iconic, animated TV series of comedy, Looney Tunes, in a free, fun, addictive IOS quiz game for one of the most popular and loved cartoon of all time
► Please note that this quiz app is a fan made app for other fans and is used only for the purpose of review, criticism and entertainment. No copyright violations are intended under the fair use clause.