Boost Your short-term Memory! Start at a simple 3-digit level and gradually work your way up to a 7-digit level. Keep more and more combinations in mind at the same time.
Compete with players from around the world!
Depending on game settings code may contain from 3 to 7 symbols. For easy levels with 3 or 4 symbols, secret code is formed only from digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. For 5- to 7-symbol code it is formed from 0-9 digits plus A, B, C, D, E, F letters.
For example:
2354 for 4-symbol code
and: 7DC26F for 6-symbol code
You have unlimited time and attempts to guess the secret code. Timer STARTS after you chose first symbol on picker wheels. As result of each attempt you will have a table with attempt and 2-digit attempt result in each row. First digit tells you how many symbols you guessed, second - how many symbols are in the correct positions.