Why are You Still Traveling with Jet Lag?
Jet Lag Affects Your Immune System.
Our users have crossed over 50,000 time zones and their testimonials are compelling.
60 Day Free Trial Download – Afterwards the subscription is $19.99 a year for unlimited global travel. What is more valuable than your time and wellbeing?
Jet Lag affects your immune system by disrupting your sleep and impacting all of your physiological systems. It also impairs your digestion, body temperature, stress levels, and depresses your immune system.
Research by NASA shows that it can take from 12-24 hours for your body to adjust for each time zone crossed, a fact that can ruin vacations and affect important business meetings. You lose valuable time when you arrive and can be exhausted when you get home.
Until now there was no effective solution.
Based on 30 years of science – Uplift ends your Jet Lag in 3 steps by resetting your body clock to your new time zone.
The Uplift app guides you through a custom solution based on your itinerary that takes about 5 minutes when you land in a new time zone.
1) Enter your itinerary and Uplift will calculate your custom solution, it is different for each itinerary.
2) Follow the video and pictogram instructions to find the 2 pressure points for your trip.
3) Apply medium pressure to both points at the same time on the Left Side of your body and repeat on the right side.
This is modified acupressure and this formula resets your body clock to your new time zone.
Make sure to watch our instructional videos, review best practices, and save your first trip before you travel.
You are now ready to hit the ground running.
1) Sleep Better – You are not falling asleep during the day and laying awake exhausted at night. You are resynced and should resume a normal sleep cycle in respect to your time zone.
2) Feel Better – Your transition time and suffering are greatly reduced, you still may be tired after a long trip, but you are resynced to your new time zone.
3) Recover Better – Higher performance for work, play, or sport. With faster recovery time you are less run down, and your immune system is better capable of defending itself from all the foreign germs it encounters on airplanes
Dr. Charles T. Krebs – An extraordinary scientist, author, and visionary discovered and developed the Uplift solution. Twenty years ago, Charles was living in Melbourne Australia and teaching neurology in Germany, and he had a problem with Jet Lag affecting his performance. Charles then researched, developed and tested the Uplift solution on himself to solve his problem. Over time hundreds of Australians were using it for their travel.
- A global expert and author of 4 books and 50 papers on acupressure, neurology, and kinesiology.
- Creator of the Learning Enhancement Acupressure Protocol (L.E.A.P.) program used by hundreds of practitioners in 9 countries to treat dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and more.
- Inductee into the Energetic Kinesiology Hall of Fame
- PHD in Biology & Physiology from Boston University
Take control of your global travel wellness and performance with Uplift.
“Lost Time is Never Found Again” Ben Franklin
Download the App now!
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