Wildlife Park Mobile Читы

Wildlife Park Mobile Взлом 1.0.33 + Чит Коды

Разработчик: b-alive gmbh
Категория: Игры
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 1.0.33
ID: de.b-alive.wildlifepark


Game screenshot Wildlife Park Mobile mod apkGame screenshot Wildlife Park Mobile apkGame screenshot Wildlife Park Mobile hack


Here is your chance to create a giant and beautiful zoo. A park so amazing, it would be impossible to build in real life. In Wildlife Park you must build an animal park from scratch, managing it so your visitors will spend their money. You begin with just the park area, a ticket booth, and some money. From there you can buy animals, build the zoo, hire employees, and then open the gates and let the visitors come.

• detailed, seamlessly animated and simulated species ranging from mammals and reptiles to birds and marine animals
• Fascinating, challenging, and realistic animal behavior in areas such as reproduction, socialization, aging, birth, aggression, and "trainability"
• Animals can be trained with a huge variety of interaction devices such as trampolines, ropes, slides, trees, and video screens
• Aside from the campaign missions there are (potential) zoo locations around the world awaiting the player to master zoo management under these different preconditions.
• Choose a variety of terrains with different climates, environmental sounds, and music themes to start your park in. But be careful in your choices in climates and animals, as keeping a polar bear happy in the Sahara is an incredible challenge!
• No single goal to reach the finish of the game. The park has to be managed well to gain access to new areas, attractions, and more importantly, exotic animals
• No-limits landscaping at various heights, many plants, bridge constructions, ponds, rivers and waterfalls, and buildings
• 10 professions for your personnel to care for the animals and park: Feeder, Garbage, Zookeeper, Animal Catcher, Gardener, Scoutmaster, Vet, Worker, Animal Trainer, First-Aid
• Great athmosphere wirht realistic sounds and corresponding music themes.
• Building architecture style differs by climate
• Transparent walls give visitors a better view of marine animals, allowing you to build underwater observation rooms
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История обновлений

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

v. 1.0.33
- restore-button implemented
- iap fixed
v. 1.0.30
- terraforming crash (pyramid) fixed
- climbtree unlocked
- wrong icon shown in animal info list fixed
- Button for getting premium included v.1.0.28:
- bulldozer causes negative account balance fixed
- crash language dutch fixed
- mission 5-7 unlocked
- load/save unlocked
- 2 further animals in freeplay mode unlocked
- bug "all animals have female icon" fixed
- additional gameobjects in in-app-purchase "premium plus"
- terraforming crash (pyramid) fixed
- climbtree unlocked
- wrong icon shown in animal info list fixed
- Button for getting premium included
- bulldozer causes negative account balance fixed
- crash language dutch fixed
- mission 5-7 unlocked
- load/save unlocked
- 2 further animals in freeplay mode unlocked
- bug "all animals have female icon" fixed
- additional gameobjects in in-app-purchase "premium plus"
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Чит Коды на бесплатные встроенные покупки

Покупка Цена iPhone/iPad Андроид
Wildlife Park Mobile Premium
(additional - 5 missions - 11 maps - 29 animals - plants, equipment, decoration)
349,00 ₽
IH999370816✱✱✱✱✱ 6787264✱✱✱✱✱
Wildlife Park Mobile Premium Plus
(additional - 8 missions - 8 maps - 11 animals)
249,00 ₽
IH835545627✱✱✱✱✱ 213D927✱✱✱✱✱

Способы взлома Wildlife Park Mobile

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3.3 из 5
10 Голосов


Не могу сохранить игру или просто выйти в меню, игра просто вылетает
pechkin postman,
Вместо слов, какие-то символы.
дил нил Фил,
Это вымогательство!
Купил про версию и ВСЕ животные были, потом на следующий день посмотрел и часть животных заблокировалась и написали купите премиум версию плюс! Если вернёте вторую часть животных поблагодарю, но сейчас это долбанное вымогательство денег и я с этим мириться не стану!!! Просто верните мне всех 40 животных!!!!! Тогда оценка будет выше.
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Не совсем то, что хочется
Проблемы начинаются с меню, где какая-то неразбериха в виде символов вместо языка по умолчанию, затем в игре отсутсвует полностью звук.

Так что лучше на ПК поиграю
Ray Emilio,
No sound
I have no music and any sounds(exept animals) during the game, please fix it.

Другие приложения этого разработчика