A simple and elegant notebook to write new words and discover their meanings and synonyms. Open a new note, whether if it's for a specific book or for a new language you're learning, write the word you're looking for and see its definition and synonyms. The word is listed there so you can go back to your note and review your recent learnings.
Easy to load, the dictionaries are locally stored in your phone for a quick database search. An accessible dictionary app to have by your side at all times, with your findings stored for future consultations. Elegant and simple.
История обновлений
Enable the context menu to copy text from notes
New languages available: German, Italian and Portuguese.
Go and share with your friends!
- iCloud Sync Fixed
- Improve title usability
- Better english dataset
- Fix word count
- Change order to show noun first in the result
- Fix swipe left
I’m really into the simplicity of your app! Thank you for the effort! 🙏🏻
Here are some feature requests:
• Dark mode activation based on system settings.
• Ability to show the word translation (into a language of choice) along with the definition.
• “Flash cards” mode for a given notebook.
• Ability to remove the downloaded dictionary.
Запрос на взлом ресурсов и функций
Приложение будет взломано в течении трех дней после твоего запроса