Xumbers42 (Xumbers for Two) is a real-time online math board game. It’s similar to Scrabble except that you make Xumbers Words made from numbers instead of letters.
Players comments: “really, really fun”, “makes you think”, “kind of addictive”, “playing games, having fun and getting kind of competitive with math”.
A Xumbers Word is a string of digits for which the number represented by the last one or two digits is the sum of the previous digits. For example, 426 is a Xumbers Word because the last number 6 is the sum of the previous digits 4 and 2 (6 = 4 + 2), and 42612 is a Xumbers Word because 12 is the sum of the previous digits 4, 2 and 6 (12 = 4 + 2 + 6).
When it’s your turn, your goal is to extend Xumbers Words already on the board using some (or all) of the 7 tiles in your tray.
Get your MATH game on with Xumbers42.