It’s a smooth, intuitive realization of the board game, and it makes playing with friends online easy. Here are some things that would make it even better for me:
* a campaign; a set of overarching, branching missions with an accompanying narrative
* an ability to turn off the cinematic, particularly the “shot down” black and white cinematic which sometimes make it unclear who was actually shot down, and break immersion
* an ability to compare maneuver decks or damage decks; when I’m picking between an “b” or “c” maneuver deck, I have no way to visually compare them
* an ability to restart challenge mission; some of these missions are hard (which is good), and if you make a mistake early on, the only way to restart the mission is exiting to the main menu and then navigating back to the challenges menu
Overall, great implementation of a great game. It gives an enjoyable simulation of early aerial dogfights in a turn-based form.