Coin Identifier/Mint Mark Locator
This tool enables the user to quickly identify a United States Coin and also to determine where it was minted.
A table presents a complete list of all US Coin Types from 1793-present. The list can be greatly reduced by selecting the denomination of the coin or entering its year. Entering the year and/or denomination greatly reduces the possible matches. The user then compares the image with his coin to determine the specific issue. Clicking on that issue will present detailed numismatic data as well as larger pictures.
A graphics overlay may be turned on/off indicating the location of the mint mark.
Additionally, clicking on the obverse or reverse image will present a larger image.
For some coins with multiple reverses and/or obverses, Show More Obverses and Reverses buttons will appear, which when clicked will present another view containing small images of all of the possible alternates.
The user may also search for a type containing particular words such as eagle, half dollar, etc.
For beginning collectors, this tool should enable quick identification of the coin type, for the more experienced collector, who may be familiar with many coin types, the mint mark locator should be a useful addition.