OneBit Adventure Читы

OneBit Adventure Взлом 1.3.157 + Чит Коды

Pixel rogue-like adventure

Разработчик: Jonathan Concepcion-Rodriguez
Категория: Игры
Цена: Бесплатно
Версия: 1.3.157
ID: com.galacticslice.onebitadventure


Game screenshot OneBit Adventure mod apkGame screenshot OneBit Adventure apkGame screenshot OneBit Adventure hack


"Приключение OneBit" — ролевая игра в подземелье, в которой нужно исследовать мир и улучшать характеристики, сражаясь с врагами. Ваша главная задача в игре "Приключение OneBit" — выжить. В игре есть множество монстров, которых нужно победить, и вам придется использовать все свои навыки, чтобы выжить.

Несколько классов персонажей
В игре "Приключение OneBit" вы можете быть воином, рыцарем крови, чародеем, некромантом и пиромантом. Каждый персонаж имеет свой уникальный стиль игры, характеристики, способности и слабости. Вам нужно будет сделать все, что в ваших силах, чтобы вырастить своего персонажа и построить непревзойденный класс.

Как играть
Игровой процесс удобный и простой. Для перемещения своего персонажа нужно проводить пальцем по экрану. Вы можете атаковать врагов, нападая на них, пока они не будут сражены. Вы также можете приобрести монеты, чтобы запастись предметами для исцеления, и исследовать мир, наполненный потрясающим лутом и подземельями, через которые вам предстоит пробираться.

Повышение уровня
Поскольку "Приключение OneBit" является по своей сути ролевой компьютерной игрой, ваши достижения увеличиваются каждый раз, когда вы уничтожаете врага. В нижней левой части экрана отображается ограниченное количество жизней, и если ваша жизнь достигает 0, игра заканчивается. Как только вы достигнете нового уровня, вы получите очки навыков, которые можно использовать для улучшения уникальных навыков. Они отличаются для каждого класса персонажей — некоторые увеличивают магические силы, в то время как другие увеличивают шанс критического удара.

Управляйте своим инвентарем
Играя в "Приключение OneBit", вы будете приобретать все виды предметов во время путешествий. Потенциал каждого предмета объясняется в инвентаре. Некоторые предметы восстанавливают очки жизни, другие восстанавливают ману или дают вам временные усилители. Если у вас мало здоровья или маны, вы можете остановиться в любой момент и прийти сюда, чтобы пополнить запасы. Враги двигаются вместе с вами в этой пиксельной пошаговой игре в жанре roguelike.

Если вам нравятся ролевые игры и вы хотите сыграть в интересную казуальную ролевую игру на мобильном устройстве, попробуйте "Приключение OneBit" прямо сейчас. Держитесь подальше от нижней части экрана и двигайтесь вперед к захватывающим приключениям, пытаясь выжить на пути встречающихся вам существ.
Особенности игры:
• Эффект присутствия
• Многочисленные классы на выбор
• Улучшение навыков своего персонажа
• Участие в захватывающих битвах с боссами

История обновлений

- Added move speed setting to increase/decrease the delay between actions
- Added 7 new skins to VIP 5 rewards
- Removed armor from Elite Skeletons
- Fixed boss chest spawning in unreachable tiles
- Fixed status effect remaining on Wraith when timer reaches 0 and the player inflicts a status effect
- Fixed rerolls for Adventure Upgrades showing quick purchase amount incorrectly
- Fixed Rankings visual overlap when claiming rewards with all-time leaderboards selected and reward screen active
- Fixed hitbox on Attack/Move mode being in the way of Quick Slots
- Preventative fix to Blood Knight Sword Slash bug
- Updated special event Diamond cost per tier
- Added buying tier options to special events
- Fixed incorrect exclusive drop info from Pickaxe
- Fixed errors that can occur when viewing quick purchase screen
- Added New Special Event for 4 Year Anniversary and optimized for future events
- Added Referral codes to promo screen allowing you to get rewards for inviting friends
- Added Attack/Move Mode toggle. When in Move Mode, you prioritize move over attacking ranged enemies
- Added bubble effect to Kappas when they are underwater to give a hint of where it is currently at
- Updated certain item sprites such as Apple, Pear, Steak, Skull item
- Updated Ghoul and Elite Ghoul texture to be more visible when on the ground
- Removed ads, but kept Daily Diamonds and VIP Xp for free
- Fixed in-app transactions popping up as an error caused by ads
- Fixed store not showing localized prices caused by ads
- Fixed Fire Aura causing lag when searching for targets to deal damage to
- Fixed Golden Tea not unlocking after finding gold equipment in a chest
- Fixed music not staying muted when entering/exiting any dungeon
- Fixed certain stats not loading properly when below level 50 which affected Blood Barrier not loading correct stat
- Fixed Daily Diamonds Reset timer not appearing during gameplay scene
- Added New Special Event for 4 Year Anniversary and optimized for future events
- Added Referral codes to promo screen allowing you to get rewards for inviting friends

- Added Attack/Move Mode toggle. When in Move Mode, you prioritize move over attacking ranged enemies
- Added bubble effect to Kappas when they are underwater to give a hint of where it is currently at
- Updated certain item sprites such as Apple, Pear, Steak, Skull item
- Updated Ghoul and Elite Ghoul texture to be more visible when on the ground
- Removed ads, but kept Daily Diamonds and VIP Xp for free
- Fixed in-app transactions popping up as an error caused by ads
- Fixed store not showing localized prices caused by ads
- Fixed Fire Aura causing lag when searching for targets to deal damage to
- Fixed Golden Tea not unlocking after finding gold equipment in a chest
- Fixed music not staying muted when entering/exiting any dungeon
- Fixed certain stats not loading properly when below level 50 which affected Blood Barrier not loading correct stat
- Fixed Daily Diamonds Reset timer not appearing during gameplay scene
- Updated translation files
- Updated Baby Mossy Hydra sprite
- Updated Elite Banshee and Elite Dark Mage idle timer after special attack to 1 -> 3 turns
- Fixed Halloween pack making Baby Mossy Hydra use the skin instead of Mossy Hydra
- Fixed active skills resetting when using a toggle skill while the active has 1 turn left on cooldown
- Fixed being able to walk over boss chest when it spawns on a ladder
- Fixed cost reduction for Tier 1 Professions reverting after leaving
- Fixed Elite Skeleton not tagged as Undead
- Fixed Scorched Ones not being a part of Chaotic Death Notice
- Fixed Mummy and Gargoyle spawning as a boss during Chaotic Death Notice
- Fixed Evil and Scary Tree's sorting layer to be below Elites
- Fixed Burn damage increasing with adventure upgrades
- Fixed back button not working on certain screens
Added 15 new Elite enemies
Added new Adventure Upgrades feature with up to 13 upgrades to choose from
Added 2 new loot rarity tiers. Ancient for 50,000+ steps and Galactic for 100,000+ steps
Added new boss skins to the Halloween Event Pack
Reduced Diamonds gained in Underwater Dungeon from 25 -> 10 for max amount. This still is more than overworld chests. Future expansions will provide more opportunities to earn more Diamonds.
Updated first professions to be available at Level 5 with reduced costs and second tier professions to be available at level 15
Updated Beyond the Grave to scale with 1% of Expedition buffs
Updated Oxygen damage when running out to decay more faster the longer you remain without oxygen. Every 10 steps increases damage by 5% of max hp per turn
Updated opacity of actions UI to allow you to see what is behind them
Updated Event Packs to be permanent packs
Removed Trap Death and Weak Death Notice from Adventure Quests
Fixed a bug with quick purchase while viewing Event Pack screen
Fixed double xp timer not decreasing when max level as wisdom xp is used when enabled
Fixed Go Home screen not hiding after opening Adventure Quests
Fixed Beyond the Grave not giving the correct hp and dmg stats to Zombies with skins
Fixed Bleed Chance still appearing as equipment upgrade after Bleed Chance reaches 100%
Fixed Avatar Taskbox denying scrolling event when attempting to scroll on an Avatar
Fixed VIP 2 Avatar not unlocking on older accounts
Fixed prestige text not saying max prestige level reached when you reach prestige 5
Added 15 new Elite enemies
Added new Adventure Upgrades feature with up to 13 upgrades to choose from
Added 2 new loot rarity tiers. Ancient for 50,000+ steps and Galactic for 100,000+ steps
Added new boss skins to the Halloween Event Pack
Reduced Diamonds gained in Underwater Dungeon from 25 -> 10 for max amount. This still is more than overworld chests. Future expansions will provide more opportunities to earn more Diamonds.
Updated first professions to be available at Level 5 with reduced costs and second tier professions to be available at level 15
Updated Beyond the Grave to scale with 1% of Expedition buffs
Updated Oxygen damage when running out to decay more faster the longer you remain without oxygen. Every 10 steps increases damage by 5% of max hp per turn
Updated opacity of actions UI to allow you to see what is behind them
Updated Event Packs to be permanent packs
Removed Trap Death and Weak Death Notice from Adventure Quests
Fixed a bug with quick purchase while viewing Event Pack screen
Fixed double xp timer not decreasing when max level as wisdom xp is used when enabled
Fixed Go Home screen not hiding after opening Adventure Quests
Fixed Beyond the Grave not giving the correct hp and dmg stats to Zombies with skins
Fixed Bleed Chance still appearing as equipment upgrade after Bleed Chance reaches 100%
Fixed Avatar Taskbox denying scrolling event when attempting to scroll on an Avatar
Fixed VIP 2 Avatar not unlocking on older accounts
Fixed prestige text not saying max prestige level reached when you reach prestige 5
- Added 3 new skins for the month of July
- Added 1 new permanent skin for Thief
- Changed default movement input to Dpad for new players
- Fixed iap not triggering purchase script due to deprecated code
- Added skins to the main shop along with viewing monthly skins
- Updated theme preview screen to show a full screen of how the theme looks before purchasing
- Fixed major issues with game files not loading from cloud when uninstalling and reinstalling
- Fixed issues with accounts without cross sync not being able to cloud load files to the latest version
- Fixed game not saving to server as often as it should
- Added EL-Greek translation
- Fixed a bug with tutorial helmet where if you collect it before intended, it does not progress tutorial
- Fixed unreadable save files stops the game from running
- Added new translation Italian
- Reduced cost of Double Xp to 300 -> 100 Diamonds
- Updated Archer Ranged Damage+ to 5% -> 7.5%
- Updated sound icons to be able to mute when tapping the icon
- Fixed dailes not resetting when playing through midnight
- Fixed Daily Login lag when claiming coins
- Fixed Obelisk giving infinite buffs to enemies

- Fixed player freeze when the player kills the Wraith during his last turn after you have finished all his defeated dialogues
- Fixed Pollfish not properly saving profile
- Fixed UI not displaying properly when showing stats
Added Pollfish Survey for Diamonds to the Shop
Added hide all popup text option to gameplay settings
Added pet to the campfire screen if one is equipped
Updated Prestige screen to display level requirement and disable the button when below level 100
Updated pets to collect coins and items nearby. Items will not be collected/targeted while inventory is full
Updated Shield Bash and Parry to be able to cancel after selecting the skill again
Updated normal chests (not locked inside a room) to have a 50% chance to spawn an equipment while level 3+
Fixed Archer’s vault not working on fences with eggs
Fixed battery icon in settings not displaying properly when full
Fixed pausing double xp not saving after closing the game
Fixed text displaying “!” for every pickup when double xp is activated
Fixed attack spots not pausing when the enemy is no longer active due to distance from player
Fixed Dark Slash not registering the edge tiles of bosses as targetable
Fixed sound issues with using fenced door with pet
Fixed fenced door not properly closing when knocked back from a fenced door
Fixed Hp Efficiency not working with Regen Potion
Fixed game over screen being interrupted with Wraith dialogue when the player dies the same turn as the wraith’s end timer
Fixed skin not animating on campfire screen
Fixed tutorial allowing more than 1 free upgrade towards helmet
Fixed equip from inventory not displaying correct text for what you equipped
Fixed game not checking time data before saving. This led to incorrect time stamps when cross syncing.
Fixed request review displaying more than once
- Fixed issues with double xp displaying incorrect values
- Added Polish translation
- Increased rewards for Daily Login including coins and Diamonds
- Updated first 3 weeks of Daily Login to include Double Xp
- Updated Double Xp to work with Wisdom Xp. Now costs 100 -> 300 Diamonds
- Updated tutorial to teach the new inventory equip feature for ease of equipping
- Fixed UI positioning for tutorial highlights
- Fixed seasonal enemies appearing in tutorial
- Fixed sound bug

- Reduced Grand Heal starting health damage is dropped from 50% -> 5%
- Reduced Grand Heal scaling health damage is changed from 10% -> 5%
- Reduced Sacred Way's max armour value from 40% -> 25%
- Changed Revenging Smite to be based off of 50% weapon damage instead of player's health. Increment is 20% damage with no cap
- Fixed Cyclops sprite glitch
- Fixed Stun not working with Spirit Staff while mana is above 0
- Reduced Crit Damage scaling on Recurve Bow
- Fixed scroll bug causing elements to go invisible when scrolling through guide
- Fixed Snare Trap not wrapping enemies that walk over it
- Added Crit Damage to Recurve bow

- Increased Recurve Bow's minimum Crit Chance from 1% -> 10%
- Increased Recurve Bow's maximum Crit Chance from 5% -> 20%
- Increased Ethereal Shot damage per skillpoint from 5% -> 20%
- Increased Ethereal Shot max damage from 500% -> 1000%
- Updated Rounded Shot to knockback and stun bosses if they hit an obstacle
- Updated Snare Trap to no longer wrap the player
- Reduced Crow's Cry and Snare Trap cooldown from 75 -> 50 steps
- Fixed pets triggering traps
- Fixed Total Bosses Killed stat not appearing for certain languages
- Fixed Ethereal Shot not showing trailing effect
and more fixes
- Fixed fence gates not using correct sprite when opened
- Fixed Hardcore characters currency changing global supply when accepting/declining quests
- Updated Trap sprite
- Fixed certain sprites not changing with theme colors
- Fixed Damage Relics not showing target lines when player is near
- Fixed Theme Mixer not using correct ids when multi-theme is enabled
- Added Community's Water dungeon [Requires Level 50+]
- Added 2 new bosses
- Added 8 new enemies
- Added Pets (27 unlockable pets)
- Added 11 new items
- [Level 50+] Added treasure hunting which allows you to hunt for golden chest using a treasure map
- Fixed daily login and daily quests not resetting while in adventure during reset
- Fixed enemies attacking after initial spawning without waiting
- Fixed instant crash when starting adventure
- Fixed instant crash when killing a Wraith with Thorns

and more!
- Added Community's Water dungeon [Requires Level 50+]
- Added 2 new bosses
- Added 8 new enemies
- Added Pets (27 unlockable pets)
- Added 11 new items
- [Level 50+] Added treasure hunting which allows you to hunt for golden chest using a treasure map
- Fixed daily login and daily quests not resetting while in adventure during reset
- Fixed enemies attacking after initial spawning without waiting
and more!

Чит Коды на бесплатные встроенные покупки

Покупка Цена iPhone/iPad Андроид
100 Diamonds
(Get 100 Diamonds to use in-game)
99,00 ₽
HC137253502✱✱✱✱✱ C706D79✱✱✱✱✱
600 Diamonds
(Get 600 Diamonds to use in-game)
499,00 ₽
HC976343953✱✱✱✱✱ 6E80D4A✱✱✱✱✱
1,500 Diamonds
(Get 1,500 Diamonds to use in-game)
899,00 ₽
HC240337595✱✱✱✱✱ BA53D76✱✱✱✱✱
4,000 Diamonds
(Get 4,000 Diamonds to use in-game)
1 790,00 ₽
HC247299941✱✱✱✱✱ 937DCD9✱✱✱✱✱
10,000 Diamonds
(Get 10,000 Diamonds to use in-game)
3 490,00 ₽
HC096794839✱✱✱✱✱ E32145C✱✱✱✱✱

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4.8 из 5
182 Голосов


Есть одна проблема
Игра очень хорошая хоть и кажется простой но непростая но с предпоследнем обновлении при заходе вылетает и не запускается (на момент 22.04.2022)пожалуйста прочтите и пофиксите этот неприятный баг а так игра очень мне понравилась
Интересная игра
Добавьте побольше разнообразных локаций, боссов и простых противников
жирная мамаша разраба,
Хотелось бы начать с того что я играл во многие рогалики и хардкорные игры. Эта игра одна из худших рогаликов в которые я играл. Донат полностью убивает игру. За кристаллы можно купить все. Хочешь быть в топе мира? Донать и каждая твоя смерть будет оправдана количеством жалких кристаллов. Локализация на русский язык ужасна, элементарно сложно было правильно перевести слово “turkey” на «индейка», КАКАЯ НА*** ТУРЦИЯ!
Не советую качать, максимум чтобы скоротать час своего времени, и то лучше идите маме не знаю там помогите.
Ох уж эта старая атмосфера 8ми битных игрушек, порой это выглядит даже лучше , чем игры с навороченной графикой.
Очень классная игра на первый взгляд, но хотелось бы более разнообразных классов
Хватило на один вечер, скучновато…
Russel Van Ray,
Очень скучно и однообразно. Качнулся до 30 лвл - не зацепило
Легла в душу всем рекомендую !
Игра топ!
Я, как любитель рогаликов, в т.ч. пошаговых, просто влюбилась в эту игру. Надеюсь, ее будут дальше активно развивать! 😍
Так же, хотелось бы полную локализацию :)

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