全新升級版「教圖互動書架2.0 (HKEP iReader 2.0)」現推出體驗版,針對客戶推出搶先體驗版,讓您體驗全新書架的功能。
# 豐富詳實的課本資源:動畫,短片,電子簡報,教學工作紙等。
# 一站式體驗不同工具:羅列多種電子教學工具平台,互動課堂,翻轉課堂,活學字詞庫,拼音工具等,方便快捷。
# 多元化的書頁練習:提供多種練習答題模式,包括選擇、鍵入、拖放等題型,部分題目以多媒體工具進行作答,包括繪畫、錄音、圖像上傳等。支援自動核對及開放式題目。
# 自主化學習記錄手冊:使用「工作區」隨時於書頁中新建個人學習記錄手冊,多媒體資源讓記錄內容更多元化,包括:畫筆,錄音,圖片,文字,超連接等。
The new version of HKEP iReader 2.0 is now available, which provides you with the latest user experience and new functions for teaching and learning activities. Here are the takeaways of HKEP iReader 2.0:
# Various teaching resources: animations, teaching videos, presentation files, teaching worksheets, etc.
# One-stop experience of learning tools: list a variety of e-learning tool platforms, including Interactive Classrooms, Flipped Classrooms, Stroke Order of Chinese Characters tool, Pinyin Learning tool, etc.
# Different types for inline exercises: within HKEP iReader 2.0, you have different question types: from multiple-choice, fill-in blanks, and drag-and-drop to more advanced types like the open-end question, which you can add texts, photos, recordings, etc.
# Enhance Self-directed learning: you can use the “Workspace” to make your Ebook more engaging and customized with audio, image, texts, etc. And you can also use Apple Pen to draw in the Workspace.