金融专业-经济师中级考试题库 Hack 3.0

Developer: yu yuntao
Category: Education

In order to download the app on iOS device, you need to use a redeem code (gift code). To do this, you need to go to the AppStore and scroll down the page until you see the "Redeem" button

Click this button and it will take you to this page

Click on "You can also enter your code manually" and enter this code


Part of the code is hidden for new users

To see this content, you need to view at least 7 pages for 25 seconds each on this site.

Hack doesn't work?


金融专业-经济师中级考试题库APP,根据2020中级经济师考试官方教材编写,提供历年真题+各章考点复习题+模拟题。提供课后练习、模拟考试 、精准押题。拥有错题自动收录、自主题目收藏等功能,让你复习记忆考试一步到位。经济师中级考试题库APP助你通过金融专业的经济师中级考试。