I just downloaded the app this morning and am surprisingly shocked with the simplicity and ease of use. I wanted to see how functional this app was before allowing my son to use it.
I found it to be a very smooth handwriting app that will not create the frustration that some apps I have seen do. Your learner will spend no time trying to make it work. Everything is simple and is not cluttered allowing the learner to focus on the task at hand.
Your learner is offered choices, but few enough to avoid becoming overwhelmed and few enough to keep the activity going in the right direction.
I personally have to be careful with my son taking an activity to a totally different focus. I like him taking an activity and making a new one during certain times, but if too many choices are available we can go down a rabbit hole and eventually come out having done nothing that was part of our focus.
I often feel unproductive and frustrated when this happens. I allow plenty of time for creating and imaginative play, so the short spans of blocked intentional play based guided teaching I’d like to remain in the general direction which I have planned.
One choice is the color he or she will use when tracing the letter, numbers or shapes, another choice is either upper or lowercase. Enough of a choice to allow the learner to control some of the activity without changing it or even taking away from it.
Great app thus far!