This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.
If you find 1RM useful, I would appreciate a review on the app store! In any case, please let me know how I can make the app better.
[NEW] New icon.
[NEW] Optional display of both kilograms and pounds.
[NEW] Optimized for iPhone 6/6 Plus.
If you find 1RM useful, I would appreciate a review on the app store! In any case, please let me know how I can make the app better.
[NEW] Setting to turn off interface sounds.
[NEW] Cycle through exercises by swiping left or right on the exercise button.
[NEW] Redesign of reps indicator. Circles are cool.
[NEW] Added front squat using 80% of the back squat as a standard.
[NEW] Showing range of reps for regular percentages rep scheme. If using regular percentages, i.e., 100%, 95%, 90%, etc., then the given reps is a range of values from the other rep schemes.
[NEW] Allow unit change while typing without conversion. After typing is finished, changing the units will convert the value, but while typing changing the units does not convert.
[NEW] Calculating Malone-Meltzer age adjusted Sinclair weight. Specify birthday in settings.
[NEW] Displaying % of WR for standard level for the snatch and clean & jerk.
[FIX] Bug fix for rounding errors on unit conversion. Converting from lbs to kg (or vice versa) and back should result in the original value.
[FIX] Slight adjustment of standards bar display. Displaying a level value 0 to 6 and moved the Elite level away from the right edge of the display. After reaching the Elite level, more weight does not cause the level to linearly increase, so it is impossible to fully reach a level value of 6.
[FIX] Rounding to nearest kg or nearest 5 lbs in table of percentages of one rep maximum.
[FIX] Fixed bug where weight/reps for last exercise was not always restored properly when starting app.
* Minor update to app icon.
* Fix for hidden text field when keyboard appears on some devices in the
* Saving last effort for every exercise.
* Adding snatch/clean and jerk and computing Sinclair adjusted weight.
* Prompting for lifter details on first launch.