9tac - Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Cheats

9tac - Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Hack 1.3 + Redeem Codes

Tic Tac Toe for strategists.

Developer: Sebastian Zorn
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.3
ID: de.dazorni.9tac


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Tic Tac Toe in a new dimension. You are a strategic genius and you want to battle your friends? Based on a development of the Stanford University you can new discover Tic Tac Toe on a new level. That's how it works:

1. The position of your draw indicates where you opponent has to play next
2.Already won fields can't be played anymore. You can then decide in which field you gonna play next.
3. The first player with three in a row, wins.

Play with your friends now and have fun!

Version history

9tac is now even more performant than before!
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