I was looking forward to reliving my youth and playing advent once again. I was especially looking forward to playing the fabled 1000 point version, since I've already played the standard 350 point version, the enhanced 550 point version, and even a rare CDC NOS (Brass Hatch) version from the early 1980's.
The good news is that this is a nice implementation for iOS.
The bad news is that it's very buggy. Not crashing buggy, which I could live with, but game logic buggy. Some parts of the game just don't work! It seems that the original parts of the game work correctly (so far), but some of the extended game is broken. The rose puzzle doesn't work, for example. And lights are inconsistent (candles don't work in places, but the lamp does). I've also run into a bug where the inventory shows you a full bottle of water, but the game treats it as empty when you try to use it. But if you try to refill it, the game treats it as full! Argh!
Also, some of the commands don't work, like NOTIFY, SAVE GAME, RESTORE GAME, INSTRUCTIONS, and HELP. The commands BRIEF and VERBOSE work, but don't stick like they're supposed to.
I would have reported this to the developer directly, but they don't seem to have an obvious support page on their website.
Bugs come up on a 32gb iPad 3 running iOS 5.1.1