Combining cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technology and dermatologist’s expertise, AI Facial Skin Analyze ensures a high accuracy analysis and provides you individual routine to maintain a healthy facial skin. The skin conditions being analyzed include spot-related attributes, aging signs, skin type ... .
• This application enables you firstly to understand the skin status of your face. Let’s start just by taking a selfie or uploading a face close-up photo. You will get the strengths and defaults of your facial skin identified.
• Then, depending on your facial skin check results and your filled-in skin profile, personalized skincare tips, advice and therapy will be suggested to you.
• Finally, you will receive some recommended products helping you with facial skincare.
• All the skin examination records are stored in your personal space, allowing you to re-consult and keep track of the evolution of your facial skin conditions at anytime you want.
Don’t forget to strictly respect the built-in guidance when taking selfie/ uploading photo, in order to get better skin analysis accuracy.
Let’s check your facial skin status and discover your skincare routine now!
Ulady team are pleased to support you in taking care your facial skin.