This game seemed like a pretty standard free little pointless game at first. You just click on the alpacas until you evolve, and then you have to click on more alpacas until you evolve again. The whole incentive to evolving is so you can see and play as the next thing. It's kind of stupid, but entertaining nonetheless. However, after I'd spent a solid hour trying to achieve the final evolution, the game just said "The End" and as soon as I tapped anything, I was back to the first evolution. I couldn't even look back at the evolutions I'd achieved by clicking on the star as normal— if I did click on the star it only showed the first evolution. The game had genuinely reset. It was like all the time I'd spent playing the game had just gone to waste— not that it had been that great of a use of time anyway— but it had just been made infinitely worse. For that reason and that reason alone, this an awful game.