This game is pretty fun, but is fake and puts random animals. This game could also be offensive to people who think it's true by calling people a panda, or elephant it could make people think that the game is calling them FAT. They also keep your picture, which I think is pretty creepy. I took my dog and did it and it said he looked like a BEAR and stuff, like WOT, I also took a picture of the FLOOR and did it and it said the floor looked like a KOALA, I mean WAT FIIIIIXXX DDDIIISSS. I don't want this game taken down cause other people like it though, I just wanna ask the owners if they could change this and make it to be more legit. You might as well play "watch nothing and die of boredom" then this fake nonsense. They're trying to make you think that and give it good reviews so they get money prob. So if I were you, I'd watch "wAtCh nOthIng aNd diE oF bOrEdOm, yAy."