AnyStance is a political action app made for the modern age.
The best way to see what's happening in politics is to start observing! See all legislation updated daily from the federal legislature as well as your own state. Sort and filter legislation, and search for specific keywords or bill number.
Political action takes time and it's easier when we all work together. Join up with others around topics that interest you or create your own group and share your findings. Group members receive notifications each time a call to action is created for a piece of legislation or legislator, along with additional information on what to do and a direct link to act.
Actions are made easy with AnyStance. Every piece of legislation is like a petition that can be nudged up or nudged down to provide realtime group consensus. Legislators may be contacted directly by phone or email so you never have to leave the app to let your voice be heard.
Are you in an existing committee? Join together on AnyStance to keep members informed about upcoming events and relevant links, and motivated to take action on legislation or contact a legislator.
Is your committee part of a larger group? Send suggestions and legislation up the chain to be shared with the parent organization, which can then be distributed to sub-chapter leaders. No matter your committee or group size you can stay connected and focused with AnyStance.
Version history
The latest update includes a better onboarding experience built to help you make the most of AnyStance. Plus, a new app icon and several minor bug fixes and improvements.
This release makes it easier to reach legislators and elected representatives where you're most likely to be heard, including direct email contact for thousands of legislators across the United States. This release also includes improvements to registration and profile setup flow.