Bad Nerd - Open World RPG Cheats

Bad Nerd - Open World RPG Hack 1.115 + Redeem Codes

Developer: VNL Entertainment Ltd.
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.115
ID: com.vnlentertainment.badnerdios


Game screenshot Bad Nerd - Open World RPG mod apkGame screenshot Bad Nerd - Open World RPG apkGame screenshot Bad Nerd - Open World RPG hack


Unleash The Nerd Rage!


See a nerd unleash the nerd rage like never before!

If you are a fan of modern action RPGs with lots of fighting then you will love Bad Nerd!

Join Bad Nerd in his quest to rid the school of bullies! You will be fighting all sorts of bullies, taking their lunch money to upgrade yourself with a wide range of weapons and armor!


- Fresh new modern settings
- Over 50 quests, and still growing
- Loads of items such as weapons, armor, gadgets, etc..
- Simple inventory and shop system
- Over 30 bully beating moves
- Simple control system
- Visually stimulating characters that you'd want to beat up
- Continuously growing game, much more updates coming
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Version history

Earn free money by watching short videos! When you don't have enough money to buy stuff it will ask "Ask your mom for money?" Just say YES!
- Rotation is now in your control making for fun and easy to play
- Server upgraded to support more players
- Joystick size fixed
Minor fix
IOS 7 compatible.
Fix some bugs
Minor fixes.
Some fixes
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Cheat Codes for In-App Purchases

Item Price iPhone/iPad Android
Lunch Money $1500
(Not getting enough lunch money from your school mates? Ask you mom for more!)
CJ918834182✱✱✱✱✱ 24EBACE✱✱✱✱✱

Ways to hack Bad Nerd - Open World RPG

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4 out of 5
271 Ratings


Recommended newer stat upgrade
Since I've seen a couple of reviewers seeing the main character with a slow movement speed, why not add the max speed upgrade? The upgrade would look like a needle with light blue fluids inside, and when used it allows the player to move faster, but not in online PvP. There should be a speed cap, however. 5 would be the max. It would be worth the same as the health upgrade.

I think this game is great overall, but it would be better if another stat upgrade was added. That said, I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars.
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Wonderful Gem
Although the graphics may look bad and the combat may be clunky the game is a good concept and makes up these small fallacies with open world and great customization. As the game goes and progresses you can get used to combat and as you level up this combat becomes more fun to use. Some might say this game is trash but I personally think this is a great open world game for the mobile. If you have finished this game and you want more I suggest the MMO version which has some different experiences and additions with interaction with other people. Bad Nerd was one of my favorite mobile games since it was introduced to the Apple Store market.
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The game has ok graphics for a iOS game but there is no point to play the online mode because there is always one guy with the best gear in the game that kills everyone for no apparent reason in the arena. I was surprised how big the map was it has a big map for a iOS game. The combat is very clunky and is almost impossible to kill someone with your fists and as soon as you kill somebody everyone will go after you nonstop. The game has its problems but it is a decent game.
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Best building game,
Drugs in the Game?
If that was a real school it would be the worst school ever. The game has people who offer drugs!! Plus, kidnapping, and because I got so far.. Drugs are involved a lot. So I sort of got freaked out... I don't know but nobody else had anything in the reviews about it. Including cocaine? It freaked me out.. I guess thats why its 12+ though.. It should have something about the drugs... And well.. Plus the kid who was all $&@# or how ever that is. People who are younger then 12 probably wouldn't know what but I think it should have something about to not take drugs.. I just.. Want there not to have drugs in it.. I guess.. Plus it shouldn't have showing the bad words. Little kids download it even though it says 12+...
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This game is so fun and awesome! The controls are simple and the story is great. The last part was challenging at first but after a few tries I did it and beat the game! It was so fun I have completed the game multiple times trying different strategies and stuff. There's even a second GAME IN THIS GAME which is the zombie part. And if you like online stuff and chatting with usernames just get another app called MMOKWN or something like that.
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Alpha dog 500,
Fun game, but has flaws
Like I said in my last review why do the bullies try to kill you but no one else? The protagonist is lame, and the storyline makes absolutely 0 sense he tries to beat up drug dealers for some stupid comic books! Why is the protagonist the only one that makes that wimpy noise when attacking? It should have more freedom. The game has problems, but it's still a fun game.
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Things id like to see
This is a great game and I love it so much so here's some things I'd like to see: character customization because I hate the default character, usernames so you can see who your fighting online, and the ability to choose between zombie mode and school mode once you've beaten the game. That's all keep up the good work 👍
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josh rulez,
Not great at all
I don't like this game because it is too hard. Every time you go around the corner, some guy tries to beat the crap out of you. You can't get any armor or weapons because you always have to spend your money on candy to heal. I think that you should be able to go to class and get money. Another good idea is that you should be able to chose whether you want to continue the quest. Also there isn't any common sense in it. For example, he decides to beat up people when he could just tell a teacher or his parents.
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Very fun
This game can be challenging at times, when you have a weapon but no armor because of the lack of money but in reality it isnt that hard. Guys with mohawks will attack you, so watch out for them. This game isnt that scary except for a random attack leaving you at half health. I would recommend it.
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Bad Nerd?
more like Bad Game. don't mind the graphics, am somewhat tolerant of the awkward combat, but fights take way too long and the chance of the player being able to get cash and heal is about as fat as finding ammo in Duke Nukem Forever - almost never. giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because this game seems unfinished. not that it needs work, the meta just needs tweaking. would be unfair to 1-star an unfinished game (as long as it has potential).
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