Explore a whole new galaxy with your child, where therapy isn't so distant. The interactive home therapy tool was created by Allied Health Professionals, for children aged 5-14, to target the common symptoms that children with Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) can experience.
The gamified exercise application by Beats Medical can be used at home, on your own device. We provide engaging activities to support children in the development of crucial skills, with three separate programs to target gross motor, fine motor, speech and communication. Each program has a variety of evidence-based exercises to promote learning, engagement and enjoyment.
In general, it can be difficult for a child to receive daily in-clinic treatments from allied-health professionals. The Beats Medical Dyspraxia App is not intended to replace specialist care, but to augment it with games and therapies delivered at home through an app.
The app is versatile and entertaining to keep your child engaged in these important functional activities. The therapy-based exercise app is aimed at improving independence through tackling task orientated functional activities, relevant to daily life.
Blast across a galaxy of interactive therapies:
Gross Motor Galaxy
Our Space Cadet Training cards allow children to work on developing physical strength, spatial awareness, balance and co-ordination, through gamified exercises. This incorporates imaginative physical tasks and storytelling to keep children interested and inspired in physical activity. The activities can be used under the guidance of parents, teachers or allied health professionals.
Fine Motor Meteor
Our dexterity section includes evidence-based exercises aim to develop fine motor skills such as handwriting, co-ordination, accuracy, fine hand opposition and upper limb control. To target these skills, children can complete the following exercises:
- Around the Moon
- Space Race
- Shooting Stars
- Milky Way Match
- Galactic Navigator
- Crater Tilt
Speech Station
Navigate your way through our speech and communication exercises, practicing tone, pace, breathing, volume control and overall quality of speech. Our interactive exercises keep children interested, providing responsive feedback on their voice through the following exercises:
Voice Command Lander
Contact Mission Control
Read our terms and conditions here - https://beatsmedical.com/dyspraxia-terms-and-policy/
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