No serious student of God’s word, without having the ability to go back to what the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek will ever find out what was truly being said. Although the KJV is the best for the English reader is has glaring mistranslations, also some very questionable changing of what was originally written. The Strongs takes that problem and gets rid of it, but also in some cases gives a little insight into the whys, ways, and who’s. Knowing that Yeshua Christ Jesus spoke in parables, Father may have also covered some things intentionally for His own reasons. Having eyes they see not, having ears they hear not. It’s entirely God’s decision, same as while yet in their mother’s womb, Jacob I loved, and Esau I hated. Such great work, now on my monthly Drs appt I can my Companion Bible, but now I don’t have to carry my 3-4 lbs Strongs. Thanks so much. ><^> ΙΧΘΥΣ ✝️