Over the years I have used a lot of different devotionals. Our Daily Bread, Closer Walk, Encounter With God, Table Talk, Morning and Evening. Each has it’s strengths at the expense, in my opinion, of not being as complete as I would like them to be. The Bible Hub, on the other hand, offers not only several Scripture verses + commentary, but also a daily reading from Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. The Bible Hub is set up for both morning and evening devotionals. The daily Scripture rotates between several of the most reliable versions. The middle uses The New Living Translation and Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening, commentary supported by the New American Standard Bible. Thus far, I have only used the morning devotional. I plan to start using the evening also. The one draw back to The Bible Hub is you must have an internet connection + Wi/Fi if you are using a mobile. I use an iPad. As you useThe Bible Hub, it keeps track of where you are. If you are looking for a devotional that is “just long enough but not too long”, give it a try. - Joe. 😊🙏🇺🇸