Just bought this bike from Touch of Modern for nearly $3000 and what an absolute disappointment. The bike is nothing special and doesn’t even come with straps for the pedals but I was hoping that the app would help me enjoy the experience a bit more. Suffice it to say the app is woefully disappointing.
1. The app only has an option for the metric system.
2. It has only 21 scenery workouts, shot by some guy with a helmet cam. If you leave the video the app crashes, not saving any of your information. Bored with where you are on the video? No fast forward. Want to check the performance monitor? Your workout is reset.
3. If you leave the performance monitor your workout is reset.
4. No total calories burned. No way to enter your weight, height, BMR to get an accurate calorie count.
5. You have 14 workout videos. Yup, only 14 and that is it.
6. It seems that if you leave any page in the app at the very least your workout ends (even if you are still peddling) and then you have to restart it OR it crashes and then you have to start the app over again and then start over.
In the age of Peloton, which costs almost $1000 less, this is little more than a stylized ornament. If you actually care about your metrics, are serious about your fitness, or even just want to know how many calories you burned on your 53 minute workout this is not the product for you.