Take some time ti sharpen your brain with Binary, This app is a fun and engaging way to challenge your brain. This app includes 3 levels of difficulty and is packed with 100 puzzles, so start cracking these Binary puzzles today!
How to Play
Each square in the puzzle may contain either 0 or 1.
1) No more than two adjacent squares may contain the same digit i.e. you cannot have three in a row or column of the same digits.
2) Each row and each column must contain the same number of 0s and Is e.g. for a 10X10 grid, each row and column will contain five 0s and five 1s.
3) No row may be the same as another row and no column may be the same as another column. However, a row maybe the same as a column.
The binary puzzle is a new and challenging logic puzzle that you can solve by reasoning. Try it out today!