I’ve been playing all three versions of BitLife, and they’re a great time-killer when you’re bored, especially for those of us with a creative mind and knack for storytelling. This text-based game really satisfies my journalistic mindset, adding onto the fact that it captures another liking of mine- animals. Overall the game is fun, keeps me hooked and coming back for more. There’s just one thing that disappointed me and that’s the fact that the big cats are included, yet I never get to play as any. I get that the developers want to use mostly domestic animals, but what about the larger of the feline class? Lion, leopard, jaguar, mountain lion- all just side characters in this endless tale. I would be much happier if there was an option to play as one- even if it’s a randomly spawned life. The savannah cat is by far the closest thing to these wild cats, and even so, as someone who doesn’t pay to play, it’s very rare to spawn into the life of one. Whether you choose to add unlocking the big cats from completing certain achievements or whatnot, i’d be pleased if you included them in the game.