Being an occupational therapist I am looking for a good letter formation program. I would fix the following: f it has a funny tail at the end stop it straight, q the tail needs to be rounded not pointed, the number4 needs to be closed at the top or open more (straight down then across), & the number one: made it a straight line. I love how you can pick the letter to write. This is great. Now the next phrase is capital letters. Make an option in your program to made the tracing area wider for children that are younger or children who don't have good control yet. I really like the fact that you have to start the letter in the correct spot. This is a problem that children have; they want to start letters from the line. This is a plus. In the next phase add a line so the child know where the letter sits on the line. Developmentally children should start writing capitals first. Made sure your capital letter use more straight lines and not fancy curvy lines. Pre-writing shapes is always better for a 4 year old to start with. In this order: vertical line, horizontal line, circle. Plus mark or cross, square, diagonal line, triangle, & diamond vertical then horizontal. Tracing wide line to thin lines progressing to imitation (demo now you try), next phase is show a picture of the shape and have child draw it. The finally phase is you say draw a ______ shape and have the child draw it with no model. Your app is off to a great start. I look forward in seeing where it goes. At the present time I would give it 3 of 5 stars but I have not given any of the other letter apps higher than 2.