We've added the ability to set the timezone for each Ice Bath to make scheduling work wherever you are in the world.
- Improved the display of the current temperature on the dial
- Enhanced how we tell you what your bath is doing next if it’s running on a schedule
- Added a Release Ice button for edge cases where ice may be stuck to the bottom of the bath
- Added left-hand sidebar with user guides and support details (we’re here if you need us!)
- Added support for the Brass Monkey Chiller
- Fixed an issue affecting WiFi networks that contain spéciäl characters
- Improved pairing on networks without a password
- Fixed an issue causing some Brass Monkey’s QR codes not to scan in-app
- Fixed an issue with timezone differences negatively affecting scheduled dips
- Fixed an issue where the + and - buttons occasionally wouldn’t change the temperature
The latest release of our Brass Monkey application is ready for you!
Along with many improvements behind the scenes, we’ve added more information about the time and temperature of your next scheduled dip, and created an enhanced setup experience making it easier than ever to start getting your cold on
You can set your own personal schedule, saving power while knowing your ice bath will be at the perfect temp for your next dip.
- Fixes an issue where baths would always show as ready
- Bug fixes and improvements