Why do we get promoted for rewards (story cards or whatever you call them) when we already have all of them? Coins become completely pointless is this game; after you’ve collectected everthing, what else is there to do? (Achievements, story cards, etc)... Well, this is why this game needs STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a very short game, easy to collect everything. So give it some DEPTH and give us a reason to keep play: STATS. Building up a sea of stats would be nice to have, to look at, compare, etc after everything is collected. Otherwise, there no point to playing this.
Nice card counting made into a game. But seriously lame without STATS. Would make this game 10x more interesting and appealing;
Total card pushes
Total cashin's
% card push
% cashin
Card Push Wins
Card Push Losses
Card Push Win%
Total Dice rolls
Total dice rolls suceeeded (revealed a card)
Total dice rolls failed (did not reveal cards)
AVERAGE SCORE, at least add this!
Total Rounds Played
I'd probably buy this if it had stats. Otherwise no thnx. This is card counting with luck. Without stats, no reason to play after finishing the game. Stats would make this a lot more interesting. For now, you can get lucky, get a high score for each mode, and then drool for ability to see your AVERAGE SCORE. Lack of stats makes this game entirely wasteful.