My wife and I recently had our first baby. We spent a lot of time during pregnancy reading up on prenatal care and breastfeeding methods. We took a handful of classes, practiced hypnobabies techniques, and took great care to be as prepared and knowledgeable as we could be as first timers. But, if you're reading this, you know there's a lot of information out there about all this stuff and lots of different approaches to everything involving a newborn baby. The value of this app is not that it provides information about breast feeding, but that it collects and provides the RIGHT information. And when you're in the middle of feeding the first week, or working on the initial latch, or feeding at 6 months, you're going to want this information at your fingertips. It's wise, natural, and empowering. The app has been a massive help to have in these early days, and saved us from needing to sift through the sea of information on the web when we needed quick reference.
Worth every penny.