- Fixed some connection problems
- Fixed an issue with the back up file. The back up file was exported without the .zip extension when the phone language was set to "Deutch (Schweiz)" and some other languages.
This version can connect to new hardware which will start selling later this month. The older hardware version is supported too.
reverted to previous version because some users started to have connection problems
- chart on the home screen was not updated after batch deleting shots in the active string
- backup *.zip files could not be picked
- Detection count on the home screen was moved up under the measured speed label
- Speeds in fps are always formatted as integers
- Log file format changed from *.txt to *.csv
- Log file is "shared" though the operating system mechanism instead of saving it to the file system
- Target picture can be taken and saved in on the string screen
- Connection indicator added to the top of the home screen
- Copy button added to string screen
- Collapsible sections added to the string screen to save space
- New parameters: barrel length, gun powder weight and primer added to profile and string
- Added application backup and restore buttons to the settings screen
- Multiple strings can be selected and deleted
- Multiple shots can be selected and deleted
- Shot detection chart on the shot screen is not shown in case of summary data package was received (there is no data to show)
- Connect button is replaced with a warning if the bluetooth permission is not granted on iOS
- Removed the connect button from the settings screen
- Application no longer attempts to automatically connect to the device on startup
- Formatting of longitude and latutude changed
- String notes were missing form the exported log file
- Min. label and value on the home screen were not exactly aligned
- Clearing the string filters deselected the active string
- A failure in the bluetooth communication some times caused the application to be unable to connect on subsequent attempts (a restart was required to fix the problem)
- Formatting of pressure [inHg] fixed