The version 1.1.9 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added support for the new iPad Air.
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The version 1.1.8 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added initial support for iPadOS 15.
2. Added support for the new iPad and iPad mini.
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The version 1.1.7 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added Quick Action in iPad OS 13 or later.
2. Added Date Diff Format Settings.
-You can choose one of the formats ( Days || Years / Days || Months / Days | | Years / Months / Days ) for the Date Diff Calculator.
3. Added Min/Mad Diff calculation to the Time Diff Calculator.
4. Fixed a minor UI issue.
5. Cleaned up internal source codes.
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The version 1.1.6 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added support for the new iPad Pros.
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The version 1.1.5 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added support for the new iPad / iPad Air.
2. Added initial support for iPadOS 14.
3. Updated the UI.
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The version 1.1.4 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added ‘Median’ to the History Actions menu.
2. Fixed the issue related to changing the screen size in portrait for some devices.
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The version 1.1.3 includes the following bug fixes:
1. Fixed the bug that History Pane in Portrait Full Screen cannot be closed by a single tap.
2. Fixed layout issues for some devices.
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The version 1.1.2 includes the following enhancements:
1. Updated how to show copy/paste/screenshot menu from “Long Press” to “Double Tap”.
2. Renamed the “random" button to “Rand.”
3. Fixed the issue that “Reset Button Positions” did not work.
4. Fixed the issue that the font size of sci. calculator did not get updated upon change the screen size.
5. Fixed the issue that restoring history did not work for bin / Eng. records.
6. Internal source code refactoring.
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The version 1.1.1 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added support for Slide Over and Split View.
2. Added support for system-based UI Theme "Automatic" in iPadOS 13.0 or later.
3. Added initial support for mouse/trackpad in iPadOS 13.4 or later.
4. Added “Toggle History Pane” functionality for Apple Pencil Double Tap.
(Please reset your settings for Apple Pencil Double Tap if you use it)
5. Updated the UI.
6. Fixed the layout issues for some devices.
7. Fixed the issue that “Clear All History” did not work.
8. Internal source code refactoring.
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The version 1.1.0 includes the following enhancements:
1.Updated the UI.
2.Added back the ‘Rate the App’ section on the Settings Screen.
3.Internal source code refactoring.
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The version 1.0.9 includes the following enhancements:
1. Internal Source code clean up.
2. Adjusted the position of Navigation buttons.
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The version 1.0.8 includes the following enhancements:
1.Updated the UI.
2.Updated the App Icons.
3.Added the Launch Screen.
4.Added new Navigation buttons for Settings Screen, and next and previous type of Calculators, which can be disabled on the Settings Screen.
5.Added functionality to show the review request after launching the app more than 3 times. (Please note that the review request pop-up will be shown at most 3 times a year)
6.Added external keyboard support to delete history records. ‘y’ for ‘yes’ and ’n’ for ‘no’.
7.Removed the ‘Rate the App’ section on the Settings Screen.
8.Fixed the bug related to StatusBar in iPad OS 13.
9.Refactored internal source code, adapting to Swift 5.1
Please note that your default date/time calculator settings will be reset.
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The version 1.0.7 includes the following enhancements:
1.Updated the UI for iPad OS 13.
2.Updated the History Action Icon.
3.Fixed the issue that Status Bar is not shown.
4.Fixed various minor bugs related to dark mode.
*Please rate the app or leave a review on the Settings screen.
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The version 1.0.6 includes the following enhancements:
1. Added support for iPad OS 13.
2. Added functionality to position number buttons as you like by long pressing one of them.
3. Updated the History Action Icon.
4. Fixed the issue that history description cannot be edited with external keyboard.
5. Fixed various minor bugs.
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The version 1.0.5 includes the following enhancements:
1. Fixed the issue that history records are not created by keyboard for the Simple Calculator.
2. Fixed the issue that changing the calculator type causes a crash occasionally.
3. Fixed the issue that history records are not loaded upon changing the type of DateTime Calculator.
4. Added the basic external keyboard support to Scientific / DateTime Calculator (Similar to Simple Calculator)
5. Added the keyboard shortcut for copy, paste and screenshot.
You can copy/paste/take a screenshot with "command + c", "command + v", and "command +s" respectively.
6. Refactored the internal source code.
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The version 1.0.4 includes the following enhancements:
1. Fixed the issue that layout of the simple/scientific calculator collapses when enable/disable history settings.
2. Fixed the iPad Pro 12.9 inch layout issues.
3. Refactored the internal source code.
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The version 1.0.3 includes the following enhancements:
1. Updated the UI.
2. Minor bug fix.
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The version 1.0.2 includes the following enhancements:
1. Updated the Alert UIs to delete history records and reset the portrait calculator sizes.
2. Updated the Today's Extension UI.
3. Changed the background color of buttons when Dark Mode is enabled.
4. Added App Icon Settings.
5. Added drag and drop feature to position following buttons on each calculator screen.
(±, ×, ÷, +, −, %, =, C, del.)
-You can simply press one of them for .5 seconds and drag and drop each button in order to lay them out as you like while they are shaking. Also, on the Settings screen (with two fingers swipe up, you can see it), you can reset the positions to the default values.
6. Added Full keyboard support for the Simple Calculator. The key mappings are below.
Addition -> +
Subtraction -> -
Multiplication -> *
Division -> /
Toggle the History pane -> tab key
Percent -> %
Equals -> either = or enter
delete -> delete or backspace
command + 1 -> Sum
command + 2 -> Count
command + 3 -> Average
command + 4 -> Max
command + 5 -> Min
command + 6 -> Copy All
command + delete -> Delete All Histories?
7. Fixed the issue that the Setting Screen was not shown by the key command on the Date/Time Calculators Screen.
8. Refactored the internal source codes.
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The version 1.0.1 includes the following enhancements:
1.Swift 5
2.Changed the position of some buttons.
3.Added flash animation upon taking a screenshot.
4.Changed the duration of long press gesture to restore the history record to .3 seconds.
5.Added external keyboard support as follows.
-You can switch the type of calculators with command + left/right arrow keys.
-To show the settings screen, you can type command + up arrow key, and to close it, you can type command + down arrow key
-For the DateTime Calculator, you can change the type of calculators by hitting command + 1 to 4.
6. Minor bug fix.