Calculate BMI Cheats

Calculate BMI Hack 1.1 + Redeem Codes

Developer: MOHD AKBAR
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: $0.99 (Download for free)
Version: 1.1
ID: com.appsland.BMI


Game screenshot Calculate BMI mod apkGame screenshot Calculate BMI apkGame screenshot Calculate BMI hack


Calculate BMI - Measure your body fat% here. BMI is a key indicator of your good health. High body fat puts you at a higher risk of lifestyle diseases.

The measure of fat content in human body based on the height and weight in the Body Mass Index (BMI).


- User Experience has been kept simple to avoid user from getting confused.
- Imperial and Metric units
- Results are interpreted in a clean manner with the use of colors and also are prominent
- Save the calculated BMI
- User information about BMI
- Completely offline
- iPhone, iPod and iPad support

Version history

Minor bug fixes and UI improvements.

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