- Small bug fix: removed a “Cancel” button that was showing up by mistake
- Bug fix: Premium users who try to bulk import runners from a spreadsheet with the incorrect number of columns should now see a more descriptive error message.
- The Runner tab now displays help text for uers without any runners added.
- Searching and editing runners in your runner list should now be more intuitive.
- Small updates to the UI for consistency.
Bug fixes
- Going to the participant selection screen, then changing to the runner tab and adding/removing runners, then returning to the participant selection screen no longer causes an app crash.
- If runners have been selected, and you change sorting methods, the selections now persist correctly.
- Whichever sorting was used when last selecting participants will be maintained when timing an event or race.
- Updated for iOS 16!
- Bug Fixes:
-- Runner's gender may not be correctly saved in the Add Runner screen if the selector isn't tapped
-- When bulk-importing, invalid genders leave the field blank. Now an error message is presented
- You can now adjust iPad Split View during an event without the timer resetting! This one has been on my to-do list for months, so I'm very happy to finally have it sorted.
- Fixed an error where a user might initiate a rest in workout mode, then hit "Finish" without ending the rest. This was causing a crash when trying to view rests in the results. In this scenario, no rest will be shown for that lap for that runner.
- When selecting participants, you can now sort by first name, last name, or gender (thanks to C.G. for the suggestion!)
- Runner genders are displayed on the participant selection screen.
- UI adjustments to fit more data on small devices and devices with Display Zoom active.
- Fixed an issues with User Preferences that could cause a crash on app launch.
Bug Fix-O-Rama!
- Edited a few UI elements around the app for consistency. It shouldn't mess with your muscle memory!
- Fixed some outdated URLs
- Changed how exports are handled, to allow users more flexibility in how they share.
CalcuSplit is ready for iOS 15, and it brings a few new features along for the ride!
- Search by name in the Runners tab, perfect for when you have an entire varsity team to parse through!
- You can now delete a runner when editing their info
- Some styling has changed along with the iOS 15 release. CalcuSplit is meant to feel native and at-home in your iOS device, so I wanted to respect OS default styling whenever possible.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the tab bar was transparent when viewing the results from a saved event.
- Changed how the stopwatch is handled in memory, improving its accuracy when interacting with the UI.
- Fixed an issue where going to the Event Export screen, then backing out without exporting could cause a crash.
- Added a warning to iPad users that resizing the app window while a timer is running will cause it to reset. I am currently looking into how to prevent the issue altogether.
If you are enjoying CalcuSplit, please leave a review and let your friends and colleagues know about it! If you have any comments or questions, please email
[email protected] (direct link in the Settings tab).
- In this bug fix, I am trying to track down an issue that can sometimes cause the app to crash on launch. Unfortunately, it's very hard to reproduce on my devices or the iOS simulator.
- If you experience this crash, please get in touch! You can email me at
[email protected].
If you find CalcuSplit useful, please consider leaving a review on the App Store. It helps others find the app (and it really makes my day).
-- Happy running! --
- This version adds additional error handling to the bulk-import functionality.
- I added a few more checks for improperly-formatted CSV/spreadsheet data. If an error is found, the app will present an alert instead of crashing.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from specifying gender in the "Add Runner" page.
- Added a link in the Settings page to leave a review (if you wish).
CalcuSplit will never prompt you for a review. If you find the app useful, please consider doing so, as it helps other runners and coaches find the app. If you have any feedback or comments, send me an email using the link the Settings.
This version has another round of bug fixes
- Changed how sheets are displayed in the app on screens with multiple possible sheets
If you have any comments or ideas, please email me using the link in the Settings! I want to make CalcuSplit the best app possible.
- Fixed an issue on the Runners page that was preventing some users from accessing the "Add Runners" sheet