This has to be one of the worst quiz-type games I've ever played. Many of the questions have no clear answer and you simply have to guess. For example, this was one of the questions:
One of these is not like the other:
Moon, Star, Purple Alien Head, Sun
You'd think that the purple alien head would be the correct answer, since it's completely dissimilar to the moon, the star, and the sun, but the correct answer (according to Can You?) is the sun. Why? I have no idea.
Many of the hints are either misleading or entirely unhelpful, and even if you CAN figure out what the right answer is, you have to catch it while it's flying all around you screen. And if you miss, you have to go all the way back to the last check point (which are few and far between). Not only that, but the message is exactly the same if you miss as if you hit the wrong icon, so you may not know if you actually got the answer wrong or if your finger was simply off target by a hair.
Overall, I am extremely dissatisfied with Can You?. It has potential, but until those issues are resolved, it will be absolute trash.