Don’t get me wrong this is good, it’s not a ripoff of undertale but rather INSPIRED by undertale, if it was a rip off it will have similar character traits, ok into the main subject, I have an idea for the next game called “Can You Escape The End?” Yep that’s true, I know your probably aimed at 8 games so if you want this could be the last or the next sonde it’s already 2023, so my idea is all the animal gods come back at the end, including the anoying ones, and it’s up to you and Houzi to stop the rest, maybe you can add an ox? I know a name for the ox! Oxiy the Ox. He is like how oxes in the real world are, he doesn’t like red, he is kind of rude but like all animals has a soft spot for you, and he isn’t a fan of jokes. This character took inspiration from me and papyrus from undertale, if you want you can change the Ox from a boy to a girl. I would post a picture but I don’t know how to. And don’t hire me, I will give ideas from time to time, I am very creative. Sorry for the long review. Any it’s a good game, and I had no problems with it. Sure the rooster is strange for having a fidget spiner and... bitcoin miner son..? But hey you still did good, one suggestion, can you hide some of the Easter eggs in the next game? Ok sorry for the long review... anyway hope you like my idea and character idea, have a good day or night depending on where your reading this!