- Improved submission comment entry field.
- Fixed tab bar bright selection color.
- Fixed an occasional crash when browsing Module items.
- Fixed submission list removing a submission on iPads after opening the SpeedGrader.
- Fixed Inbox attachments not getting uploaded correctly on some self-hosted instances.
- Added About page.
- Updated file annotation toolbar icon color for better readability.
- Fixed push notifications not opening screens inside the app for institutes with multiple domains.
- Fixed users unable to upload a profile picture in app on self hosted domains.
- Fixed viewed or marked module items reloading.
- Fixed quiz details navigation bar color.
- Fixed course details screen layout on large accessibility sizes.
- Fixed assignment edit button not being visible on module page.
- Fixed a crash on app start when landing page is set to the ToDo tab.
- Dashboard is now full screen on iPads and larger iPhones in landscape mode.
- Fixed an issue where image upload was not possible on Pages.
- Fixed an issue where adding a link to a text in an Assignment, Quiz, Page, or Discussion description will remove any previously added text.
- Fixed an issue where Discussion reply text disappears from RCE when a smart keyboard is disconnected.
- Fixed discussion reply text being cut off.
- Fixed an error dialog being shown on app start for institutions where no push notifications are configured.
- Fixed some math equations not rendered correctly in quizzes.
- Renamed the application.
- Added an acceptable use policy screen on login.
- Added an appearance switcher in dark mode for web content.
- Fixed an error where disabling the edit communication channel setting causes an 'Unauthorized Error’ message on startup.
- Fixed no notification message appearing on top of notification list.
- Fixed some external website urls opening in-app screens instead of the actual url.
- Fixed notification screen getting stuck after too many refresh attempts.
General stability and performance improvements
- Added a settings screen to the dashboard.
- Improved the contrast of dark theme colors.
- Improved the login flow by saving the last institution's login page.
- Fixed course header images are flickering on refresh.
- Fixed floating edit dialog buttons.
- Fixed comment text box not being tappable in SpeedGrader when Button Shapes a11y feature is enabled.
- Fixed annotation comment page's appearance in dark mode.
- Fixed read-only student annotations being movable in SpeedGrader.
- Fixed calendar events from other course sections showing up in syllabus summary.
- Fixed date picker date range handling logic.
- Fixed soft-concluded enrollments still appearing in the Inbox course list.
- Added a new date picker design.
- Fixed an error that could prevent users from changing their profile picture.
- Fixed “Assign to Everyone Else” still shows up when it is not applicable for an assignment.
- The + Button in the "To" field when sending a message when dark mode is enabled no longer appears black on black background.
- Fixed large number of enrollments causes ''No Courses'' message on the dashboard.
- Fixed public courses with sections not loading properly.
- Fixed documents embedded by students in a discussion not opening correctly.
- Fixed “Open external tools in Safari” settings.
- Fixed a crash during startup if the device was low on free space.
- Fixed student view for Consortium accounts.
- Fixed "Act As User" logs the admin out of their account as well.
- Added dark mode support.
- Added annotation drag tool to SpeedGrader screen.
- Fixed LaTeX equations not rendered correctly.
- Fixed invitations from not yet active courses not showing up on the dashboard.
- Fixed selecting a grading period in assignments list not updating the screen.
- Fixed concluded section courses listed as active.
- Fixed annotations not getting saved correctly in some special cases.
- Fixed language won't sync with account settings from the web.
- Fixed attendance tool opening in a web view.
- Fixed text annotation background color changing from transparent to white.
- Fixed side menu items have no visual selection feedback.
- Fixed missing edit dashboard button in case of no active courses on the dashboard.
- Fixed module pages not resizing to full screen mode in split view.
- Fixed announcements cannot be expanded on the dashboard.
- Fixed profile screen navigation bar items when a profile is opened from SpeedGrader.
- Fixed discussions list not loading when a partially or fully anonymous discussion is added.
- Fixed leaving student view would log out the teacher.
- Comment library is now available for submission comments in SpeedGrader.
- Added layout selector button to Dashboard.
- Fixed people page not showing missing submissions.
- Fixed grades page not loading in some cases.
- Fixed a crash on the dashboard.
- Comment library is now available for submission comments in SpeedGrader.
- Added layout selector button to Dashboard.
- Fixed people page not showing missing submissions.
- Fixed grades page not loading in some cases.
- Fixed a crash on the dashboard.
- Fixed annotations made in iOS not appearing on submissions.
- Fixed a crash on the people list screen.
- Fixed announcements getting out of order if there were more than 100.
- Added native support for Student Annotation type submissions in SpeedGrader.
- Added support for Elementary student view.
- Added time picker for date related rows in quiz edit details screen.
- Fixed annotations being editable on a read-only document.
- Fixed Hebrew character handling in page titles.
- Fixed submission comment disappearing upon rotation on iPads.
- Fixed annotations are not getting saved in case of poor network connection.
- Fixed help menu not appearing in case an invalid help item was present.
- Fixed app getting frozen when opening SpeedGrader on landscape iPhones.
- Fixed announcements list getting out of order after reading an announcement.
- Fixed submissions list not loading in some cases.
- Fixed student submissions not showing up in case the student is inactive in one of the course sections.
- Fixed quiz submissions being listed from inactive enrollments.
- Fixed invited user state disappearing from people list.
- Fixed edit assignment dialog navigation issues.
- Fixed error on saving quiz details.
- Fixed conference recording links.
- Fixed annotation orientation on rotated submissions.
- Fixed submission file comments visibility.
- Fixed invited but not accepted users showing up in the submissions list.
- Fixed assignment filter for custom roles.
- Fixed error page for pending users.
- Fixed roles displayed on the people page.
- Fixed display name in side menu.
- Fixed issues in case of more than 100 students.
- Fixed page title not updating after editing.
- Improved accessibility.
- Fixed To Do and Grades not loading when Student Annotation type submission is present.
- Fixed anonymous survey submissions.
- Improved accessibility.
- Updated menu design.
- Non-secure http connections are now disallowed.
- SpeedGrader slider now supports grading by tapping on the min and max value numbers and no mark / excused on long press.
- Fixed google authentication for LTI tools.
- Fixed inactive students being visible in speedgrader while swiping.
- Fixed excused student's submission listed by the needs grading filter.
- Fixed date picker on the Calendar's new todo page.
- Fixed course cards for TAs.
- Improved accessibility.
- Improved Grade Slider.
- Fixed duplicate submissions in SpeedGrader.
- Fixed grading issues when using rubrics in SpeedGrader.
- Fixed students' grades in people list.
- Fixed messaging from people list.
- Fixed SpeedGrader displaying the submitter's name instead of the group name in case of group submissions.
- Fixed SpeedGrader not scrolling to the next submission while an annotation button is active.
- Fixed SpeedGrader not loading submissions from some users.
- Fixed SpeedGrader annotations not working correctly on iPad landscape mode.
- Fixed To-Do list chronological order.
- Fixed To-Do badge not counting non-graded submissions.
- Fixed dashboard not opening the appropriate course in some cases.
- Improved accessibility.
- Added the possibility to view and edit the course syllabus.
- Update push notification categories
- Add New Quizzes type assignments to the Quiz Index screen.
- Improved order of quizzes
- Polished To Do list
- Add a short description to Help menu items.
- Polished progress bar while logging in
- Moved managing favorites to updated All Courses list
- The previously selected course is now indicated in the course list when composing a new message.
- Date picker for delayed announcement now offers time selection as well.
- Fixed viewing files linked in global announcements
- Remove unnecessary cancel button from new message recipient picker.
- Fixed a bug with annotating documents with 3rd party annotations
- Fixed misplaced point annotations after scrolling
- Fixed annotations not saving in some cases.
- Fixed user files not opening due to permission issues.
- Fixed module list order getting mixed up and items disappearing.
- Fixed module scrolling in special cases
- Fixed attachments being visible on deleted discussion entries.
- Fixed sending messages to groups with more than 100 members.
- Fixed an issue with Speedgrader slider.
- Fixed crash when opening telephone links from help men
- Stability improvements.