-Updated for new the iPhones from Apple.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
Some behind the scenes work.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
-Fixed an issue on layout for the iPhone 7 Plus.
-Some under the hood work.
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
Version 2.2 is ready for the newer iOS 12.0!
We also have it ready for the new iPhone Xs, Xs Max and XR!
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
We just added support for the iPhone X. Also some other behind the scenes work to make it run better.
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
Squashed another small bug that was found.
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
-Fixed some bugs.
-Car Trip Bingo is now compatible with the newest iOS 10 and the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus!
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
- Added a new Bingo Game - Vehicle Bingo!!
-Now you can look for specific vehicles by make and model.
- Some behind the scenes work.
- Car Trip Bingo is also now compatible with the newest iOS 10 and the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus!
Like the app? If you think it's worthy, please leave a rating/review in the app store and tell us what you think. It really helps us a lot. Thank you for your continued support.
-We're celebrating the release of our newest app: Builder Calc!! Estimate the material cost for that next house project.
-Some behind the scenes stuff was worked on.
Having issues? Please contact support within the app or by visiting www.GlassedViolet.com.
Like the app? Please take a moment and rate/review the app. It helps us tremendously. Thank you for your continued support.
-Fixed an issue with layout of tiles on the iPad Pro.
-If you have problems with the app, please contact support from within the app or email:
[email protected].
Thank you for your continued support. Please take a moment and rate/review the app in the app store. It helps us tremendously.
Fixed a few things behind scenes for this app. Thank you for your continued support.
- Added a new game to play: Road Sign Bingo!!
- Put the state abbreviation on the license plates because some were small.
- Minor visual Tweaks
- Fixed an issue with the high score.
- Added support for iOS 9
- Links to our newest app additions: Chorzee and Mow time!
** Please help to show your continued support by leaving a review & rating in the App Store. It really helps us a lot. The app is not as visible in the app store, without a star rating.
-A few tweaks and performance changes.
-Fixed a bug with the help feature closing on iPads.
-Support now for iOS 8.4.
-Added link to our Twitter page.
Like the app? If you have not already done so, please show your continued support by writing a review and rating the app. It makes a big difference.
Thank you!
-Car Trip bingo is now Universal!
-You can now play on the iPhone 5 and newer and the iPad 2 and newer.
-Support for the larger screens of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus!
-Design changes to accommodate new devices.
Thank you for your support. Please rate this app in the store.
More updates to come!
-Added a new bingo game to the app:
-State license plates are now items you can find in addition to regular bingo.
-Design changes to have a new look on the start page.
-Support for iOS 8.3.
Thank you for your support so far. BIG update coming next!