There are 8 different pop ups on the screen at once, none of them work, there are no instructions, and the “audiobook” is a terrible AI reader that makes those Reddit compilation videos on YouTube seem like masterpieces.
Oh, and did I mention that the audiobook pause buttons don’t work, the coloring doesn’t work, and one of the tiny, unclosable tiles is just the game studio’s name.
Take a look at the images of gameplay submitted to the App Store. Looks like a compilation of features, right?
No. The interface actually looks like that at all times.
I cannot fathom how anybody thought releasing an application in this state was a good idea, and I’m honestly just impressed apple allowed it on the App Store, given that it is entirely non-functional.
There is absolutely nothing positive I can say about this app. Please do yourself a favor and go outside to talk to a brick instead, because you will find far more enjoyment in doing that than you will attempting to use this disaster. 0/10