Clusiv is an online learning platform for the blind and visually impaired that teaches occupational training, technology skills, and educational courses to empower employment.
We help remove barriers to successful employment by teaching the skills you need to be equipped for the modern workforce.
Version history
bug fixes
-New Clusiv courses descriptions
-Bug fixes
We added a new free course, JAWS Screen Reader Beginner course
This app is the beginning of how Clusiv will change the world for people who are blind!
Quinton Williams's,
app looks quite nice, but would like the option to purchase courses on my own
I was super excited when I had seen this application on applevis at the beginning of this month.
However, I noticed there was a "request access" button which seems to just send some sort of notification to the company.
Would it be possible to allow individuals to purchase the courses on our own, or offer some sort of subscription?
I sincerely hope this will be possible in future updates.
Built for blind accessibility
Finally an app that is intentionally built for blind and visually impaired users! Thank you Clusiv!