An educational tool featuring comprehensive search functionality on the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, and academic essays and biographies about the Founding Fathers of the United States.
Version history
- Additional navigation menu at the bottom of the screen
- Minor fixes and improvements
Change Log
[1.0.3] 2021-09-16
- On the top right of the app screen across from the menu button add a back arrow (or the word "BACK").
- Main menu: add links for "Constitutional Chats" and "Constitutional Chat Archive"
- Founding Fathers screen: All names - two lines
- Re-label the "CONTRIBUTE" button to "DONATE"
- Hide the numbers used for sorting in the dropdown box on the search page
- On the home screen, the "Founding Documents" icon needs to link to the correct version of the page:
- On the home screen: The "Scholarships" button needs to link to the correct version of the pate
On first glance this appears to be a great app for teaching Constitutionalism, something missing in American society. I will review in detail over the next few weeks. I am always weary of critical theory in lambs clothes. The gap between what the Founders intended and where we are today is frightening. We sit at precipice of totalitarian tyranny. The Constitution is our only way forward. The Constitution only emerged because of the strength of the Declaration. No other document in history had the power and impact of the Declaration of Independence. Even on France where the Rights of Man and the Citizen heralded the French Revolution it was void of God; it was a socialist/atheistic revolution that resulted in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. Thank God for the Declaration of Independence!