This app has got to be one of the most generic apps I have ever had the displeasure of coming across. The app literally uses a generic flaming trash template which I have seen is the exact same as numerous other school apps! Just check the recommended apps on this, and most of the other apps have almost identical screenshots! You changed the Corinth CSD website design just to match with THIS TRASH!?!? The old website design was way better than this poor excuse of an app, why not just base the app on the old website design? There is no excuse for the app to be this abysmal, this revolting, this is just ridiculous. So improve the app from the absolute laziness that you try to impose on impressionable students and parents, some of who can’t tell the difference between an actually good app and this trash because people like you put no effort in at all and try to pass it off as “easier to use,” when the interface is HARDER to use than the old website design. Alright, I got to go to watch my hourly episode of Peppa Pig, so that’s all the time I have for now.