There is an ad after every. Single. Level. And the levels are way too short, so the ads seem really frequent. I spend more times watching ads than playing the game. Unbelievable. Even if you click “NO THANKS” to watch an ad to get a prize or double your gems, it still shows an advertisement! I read other reviews that also said the game was an ad trap, but me being the person I am, always wanting to try new things, I got the game and tried it. But I regret it now. And besides, you can just tell that this game is essentially one big ad by the really rushed-looking design, so I wasn’t really even surprised when I saw that the game was infested with ads.
My suggestions: 1) Get 85% of the ads off my screen. 2) Make the levels longer than 4.5 seconds, please. 3) Maybe make a more detailed design.
I think if you tweak these few issues, this game could be great 👍
Annoyed and slightly disgusted,
Cactus Lover 🌵