IGNITE is the entry-level fitness program in the Bravo Energy Burn Series. It’s designed to burn calories and build strength through specific strength movement patterns and cardio blasts.
Target Population:
Beginner fitness/small group training
The client will build confidence and strength in three targeted strength movements while enhancing work capacity in a simple circuit designed to burn calories and build upper and lower body strength
- Cardio blasts burn high amounts of calories
- Targeted strength movements build muscle fast
- Achieve a total body workout in just one session
Since this app appears to have not been updated since 2014 and is unsupported (it's impossible even to set up an account to use the tool), it should be removed from the app store.
Cybex is a great machine but this app is non functional. Take it off the App Store or stop making people pay for it. Whoever is in charge of this particular function should be fired.
Rock on accuweather,
Won’t even stay open or log in. Cheap. Junk. Trash.