In a board 4 by 4 somebody say: it's no many possibility to mix the numbers, but the bonus come in handy to arrangement new match numbers, if you can't add to tent, think twice before use "mix" ( cost 5 coins) check you board if you had numbers that can add 10 and it's not in range use it. if not you need to use different kind of bonus. Like "up": if you have in range 8 and 1, use up in 1 and voila you had 10 this bonus is more expensive than mix but resolve problems I always used in 80 to convert in 160. After that amount you can't use, only number lower than 80. The "change" bonus if you have two numbers far away you can put it in range with this feature, that's the must expensive but do the job. Hint before you use it, you can try mix cost only five points its random. But. If you are lucky you can save 10 coins, may be its not in range yet but you had two more opportunity to match the same cost to the " change" bonus. Save it, if you can. And here is the thing watch where you put because after the match you can pair with numbers biggest. And finally "dectime" bonus. This is feature 10 seconds time where you change your numbers whit minus one number: 9 and 3 become 8 and 2. And Inga Bazilevych, after 10 seconds you are suppose to change the number x2, and it's not. Can you imagen two big numbers in range, because this bonus don't had limits. It's going to be so Smart to do that. And don't change the rule. Thank you