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Application "Design Patterns Interview" include next themes:
Topic 1. Overivew, main information - Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns.
Topic 2. Factory - Abstract Factory and Factory method, Creational Patterns.
Topic 3. Builder - Creational Pattern.
Topic 4. Prototype pattern - Main info.
Topic 5. Singleton - Creational Pattern.
Topic 6. Adapter - Structural Pattern.
Topic 7. Bridge - Structural Pattern.
Topic 8. Composite - Structural Pattern.
Topic 9. Decorator - Structural Pattern.
Topic 10. Model View Controller or MVC - Main information
When you try to open either topics from 10 to 17 or topics from 18 to 25 you will be asked to purchase them.
Topic 11. Facade - Structural Pattern.
Topic 12. Flyweight - Structural Pattern.
Topic 13. Proxy - Structural Pattern.
Topic 14. Chain of Responsibility - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 15. Command - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 16. Interpreter pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 17. Iterator Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 18. Mediator Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 19. Memento Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 20. Null Object Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 21. Observer Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 22. State Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 23. Strategy Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 24. Template Method Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
Topic 25. Visitor Design Pattern - Behavioral Pattern.
For each topic, you can run three quizzes.
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