I have only had this app for one day, but I just made an entry, and it is fairly simple and works great! There have been two adds, but nothing I didn’t expect, given that the app is free. My parents do know the password, but I have gotten over that minor issue, I know it’s for my own good. I would want them and the cops to know if I’d gotten into a Silence of the Lambs situation. If you haven’t watched that movie, and you are young and don’t want your parent or guardian to have the password, look it up. Or at least some true crime cases. Diarys save people all the time. When people go missing, get in a really, really, rough patch, or even turn up dead, the police will look into anything that could get some answers to help you, including your diary. If you already have this app and are about to get it, when you already have the password set up and you are going to type it in, I had to put my iPhone keyboard down to see the app’s own password keyboard. (Someone else’s review complained that password screen didn’t work.) Anyway, simple fix. This app is great. 👍