DOP 4: Draw One Part Cheats

DOP 4: Draw One Part Hack 1.1.7 + Redeem Codes

Guess the Drawing!

Developer: SayGames LTD
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.1.7
ID: com.playstrom.dop4


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Have you ever wanted a game to challenge your brain and your talent for drawing?

Solve puzzles by using your powers of logic and lateral thinking as you work your way through a huge series of cute drawings that all have something a little bit wrong with them — and it’s up to you to work it out!

Use your finger to draw and outline the shapes of the parts that the drawings need, and then watch the game color and fill in the rest to complete the picture and take you on to the next challenge.

Once you work out the puzzles you will see that even the funniest drawings are entirely based on logic and lateral thinking, and you will be kicking yourself for even looking at the hints!
Some of the results might surprise you and make you really want to play more!


• Use your own finger to complete drawings on your screen and let the game fill in the rest of the picture

• A game that is an engaging and fun for your skill at solving puzzles and lateral thinking

• Dozens of beautiful drawings to complete and figure out and keep your brain engaged for hours

• Uniquely refreshing and engaging gameplay which you will be thinking about all day and coming back for more

• A helpful hint system that won’t leave you in a lurch and let you get on with the game whenever you get stuck

• Lovely music written especially for the game, which is relaxing and catchy at the same time and takes you away from the worries of everyday life

• Your progress is saved after every drawing, play the game for as little or as long as you like

• A difficulty which is just right, as it grows and draws you in until you’re solving puzzles and using your powers of logic like a pro

• You don’t have to be a great artist, but it helps!


If there is a puzzle that you need a little help with figuring out, there is a helpful hint system that will point your artistic talents in the right direction!

When you play this game, there is a relaxing balance of difficulty and enjoyment where you will feel that you have faced a challenge for your brain but never got annoyed or frustrated.

The gaming sessions can be as long or as short as you want, from solving a single drawing to several hours, as they keep on coming and your progress is always saved!

You can also always play the game together with your friends and family, as your screen doesn’t mind whose finger it is!

Download this colorful and fun game of artistic riddles today and bring out your inner artist!

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Version history

Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 100 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 70 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 50 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 35 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 70 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!
- Added 50 new levels
- Gameplay improvements
- Enjoy the game!

Ways to hack DOP 4: Draw One Part

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4.6 out of 5
50.6K Ratings


cool cat 😎😺,
I love this game thank you because if you get stuck on some you can watch an ad and you don’t have to all the time because some of them are easy it is so much fun😁!!! If you are looking for a kind of easy add one part game get this😍. I have been playing it for a while and I still have this game I will probably have it for a long time 😊thank you to the people who made this game!🤩❤️😍😻! And I know this is not on topic but if any of you are reading this today and do not have Jesus in your heart please get saved right now it is you choice but if you do god will be happy and you will go to heaven and if you say it today please mean it because the Lord now’s if you are telling the truth and have a blessed day every one!💕P.s I was not trying to be mean when I typed this god loves you and have a wonderful day!
DOP 4: draw one part review
Well I like the game it’s very fun but the only thing about it is so many ads I like to only have 10 games on my part of a phone and we’ll I’d keep the game but the ads just like make my brain hurt so I would love it if they would fix that and I’m pretty bad at art but I’m a both grade level so like on level 9 I did the antler but it would not accept that so i asked my older brother to do it and how’s that fair I spent 1 hour on it level 10 is a basketball I did that but it did not accept that so I just ask for this problems to be fixed and I’ll play more thank you .😊
attached are playgrounds,
Worst game ever
The reason why I gave this game A one star this is unbelievable I’ve been playing for three months only and 180 A lot of people say it’s so easy but it’s not people that think this is easy used hits that’s what I had to use 30 times or more I don’t know oh my God this is so unbelievable are you still playing the game my friends ask and I say no because for how difficult this game is I had to stop playing this game for one month I’ve been failing school because it’s game today is the Day is a day for people to stop playing this game it’s ruining my life I’m thinking that I’m dumb when I’m actually not this game this is ruining my life even though I am only 13And it says 17 older I don’t really care just because people that are selling better 13th doesn’t really care because a lot of people just don’t really care so are you love you I’ll see you agree
It has its flaws
This game is pretty decent. Something I like about it is it isn’t one of those games that gives you ads every two seconds. It’s pretty fun and it’s a good game to pass time, but I do have my issues with this game.
One issue is how weird some of the levels are. One level had a woman with a jacket on that had larger breasts, and to beat the level you had to unzip the jacket. It turns out that “Oh it’s just oranges under the jacket it’s all fine 😝”, but that level is misleading in a weird way.
Another issue I have with this game is one of the ads it gave me. I couldn’t figure out what to do in one of the levels, so I watched an ad to figure out what to do. The ad was for a game called Fit Em All, and it uses the r-word.
Even with the age recommendation being 12+, I doubt this is good for a 12 year old.
loLove this game,
I love this game it’s so much fun if you want an easy to play a game and if it’s too hard for you you can still play but your kids can play you can play it and we all love it. Probably gonna spend the rest year playing this game it is so much fun funnest game ever to play if you want your kids to be able to try and have fun and be quiet and be lonely this is the game for them you need to get them to be quiet you need to get them to me concentrated on their work go to this game I promise it will be a lifesaver.
Chloe lynn!,
Hi!I Love this game it is so fun and entertaining.I love that if you are stuck on one you can press the bottom and They will give you a clue most games don’t do that!Some games there are soooo much adds but this game only gives you adds when it gives you a clue!The only thing I dont like about this game is That I needed a clue on some and it did the same thing I tryed doing!Enjoiy
Snowflake SnowCloud,
I hate this game so much. The ads are making me crazy. The lvls are very hard bc I am on lvl 325. I just hate it. I did try airplane mode, but I was on the hardest level of all. PLZ MAKE IT MORE EAZYER! I am only 10 years old. And please, I’m begging you for this, here is a note that I was begging you for: PLEASE, MAKE THE HINT FREE!!! LIKE IT DOESEN’T COST A SINGLE AD!!! I AM TIRED OF PLAYING AD BY AD BY AD BY AD AND 100,000 ADS LATER. ITS ANNOYING. And the levels that had the “HELP MEH I NEED PANTS!!” are a little inappropriate for me because when I see random people wearing 🩲 and a t-shirt it makes me kinda feel like 🤢 🤮 so ppl who hadn’t passed the underwear level please close your eyes. (It maybe inappropriate for you guys too).
tan unicorn E,
I personally think that this game would be more fun if I didn't have to watch an ad every other level the concept of it is great. But again the ads and I know that they are doing it on purpose and they will never fix it which is so annoying-i understand having ads to makemoney but it too much and I am now deleting the app just for that reason so thx developers. More people would ply and for longer if you actually listened to the problems that people are felling you but you gags just ignore it and I do not know why r the most annoying thing an app can have is too many ads o
I just wanna take a minute to talk about the ad I saw for this game. Extremely distasteful, mobile games have the funniest and most cringe-worthy ads out there. This one in particular..
The beginning was fine I guess, but halfway through the video, the task was to make a girl “pretty.” This was done by drawing bigger boobs. And right after that you need to help make her warm by drawing a fire in the fireplace. And the bigger the fire, the more she takes her clothes off?
Even though the game has a rating of 17+, I feel like it could’ve done better, morally. And now I feel like bleaching my eyes.
I loved the game, it was really fun and all. There are way too many adds tho. Also I’m am very aggravated with the level with the scale. You have to fill in a box and it said the number “250” that is not a heavy weight at all, yet it shows the scale breaking as if 250 is very heavy! I’ve struggled with an Eating disorder before and this has made me very sad to think some other young children who may be 250 pounds or over are getting the wrong influence and may start an eating disorder themselves. This is not ok‼️ To any children who are struggling with an Ed, I’m very sorry and know your body is perfect the way it is