Edmentum AR Biology is an engaging collection of augmented reality explorations that goes beyond traditional science instruction. Using the built-in camera on your mobile device, you’ll get to study the traits of insects in a virtual bug collection, investigate relationships between organs and body systems, and participate in a virtual respiration lab complete with experimental setup, data collection, and analysis.
You must be connected to Wi-Fi in order to obtain the latest updates for this app. These AR explorations serve as enhancements to the online science activities available through Edmentum Courseware. Additional worksheets are available for Edmentum Courseware users.
Within the app, you will:
* Classify insects using a progressive dichotomous key.
* Dissect a virtual frog to learn about its organs and body systems.
* Test the ability of yeast to respire under different conditions.
* Inspect a variety of scientific objects using zoom and rotate capabilities.
* Answer multiple choice questions and complete drag and drop activities.
* And much more!