This update includes an improved achievement sharing feature that makes it easier to share your achievements with friends and family. Update the app now to experience the improved functionality and make the most of Easter.
We’ve spiced things up with minty rewards, turned your progress into a thrilling rollercoaster ride, and squashed a few bugs also! Keep calm, track on, and enjoy life!
Spring has sprung - and so has the newest version of our Embla app. We have added several motivating new features, keeping you busy and on track to reach your goals. Without saying too much, the update includes a ton of confetti, healthy recipes, inspiring articles, something you can share and much more. So what are you waiting for? It’s free, healthy, and a ton of fun. Oh yeah, did you know that embla originates from Norse mythology and means “fire maker”? Let’s ignite that inner fire in you!
The sun is shining, the winter holidays are over and we are looking forward to brighter and warmer times. The fresh morning air is the start of every good day and we look forward to meeting you in our app.
As we leave Winter and head towards Spring and Summer, what better time to think about forming new habits and making those beneficial lifestyle changes? Weight loss is a often a complex and challenging issue, but the latest version of the Embla app can help you on your journey toward sustainable weight loss.
Discover in our latest update:
A completely redesigned user interface, with clearer navigation.
Improved system of logging food, drink, exercise and sleep.
New focus on what to complete for the day.
Simplified profile and account management.
The sun is slowly coming out of its winter den and the rubber boots in the cupboard are starting to call for airing more often. There has never been a better time than now to establish good habits and we look forward to helping you with that. Weight loss and habits are complex quantities, but fortunately science knows significantly more than just a few years ago. Grab a cup of coffee or water and explore the new features we've built for you based on the latest knowledge! … and there is much more exciting to come.
Vi har selvfølgelig ordnet en masse tekniske ting, men primært ville vi bare sige, at vi glæder os til at se jer.
Så blev det 2023 og vi i embla har glædet os til, at lancere en masse spændende nye features som hjælper vores medlemmer endnu bedre på vej. Denne opdatering er første spadestik på en serie forbedret flows, design, fejlrettelser og integrationer - så din oplevelse er helt i top. Vi vil gøre alt hvad vi kan for, at hjælpe dig på din vægttabsrejse, med et sundt og langvarigt resultat. Vi ønsker alle et godt nytår!
Community support, better message handling and bug fixes